Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Broken been replace

Ari 2 da kantoi then this time naqib promisethat he will ganti...then it is true...i tot nk tgg sem depan baru beli pone baru..hurmmm.....n rase serba salah wat naqib cam tuh...ishh tak patut tol...plus I'M SO SORRY SAYANG...i made a big mistake.....

Friday, October 22, 2010

Once enough twice....up 2 u....

Ye sayer kantoi yer....sayer kantoi dgn DIA "menipu-bkn dgn jantan lain yer".....arrgghh.....tak leh nk wat per da....naqib sya da sakit kan hati naqib...even worst sya hancur hati naqib...u r da only man yg boleh terima BAIK BURUK sya...im so sorry sayang...sya taw im wrong...let me make it up to u...n even sya tanya do u still loved me like u always love me.....the answer that came out from ur mouth is..."ask your self...u r da one who should answer that..."
This pix was taken during 1st semester bachelor bss admin...missing him badly..

Mingle around in Melacca

Random pix in Malacca.....
Sya, atin, udit, n rina...mostly in da pix...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Aper yg saya lakukan biler DIA tiada masa lagi?

Slalunye kalu bosan o tak de menda nk buat pasti balik kajang n jumpa DIA dalam keadaan yg happy sgt2...tu dulu tapi sekarang benda da byk beubah....n dia nk spent time pon da tak de maser..kalu dia ajak kuar..sayer terpakse bg alasan yg tak logik akal..sayer tak nk sakit kan hati sayer lagi dan ini sayer buat dgn kawan2...hehehehe
LOcation: Bukit tinjau PJ(sayer yg bagi namer..hehe)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dia sedar tapi ignore?!

Yurp thats da word...dia sgt2 sedar tapi dia still ignore like nutin happen...ask me y i change? then i said nutin change y is it u ask me that question...he just node what im saying...hurmm...see da ignorance tuh...uurgghhh...u been known me for da sake 5 years...naper nk berhati2..selama ni tak pena pon nk berhati2....yes i do love u so badly...but i have to be what i have to be...women need to be strong n not to be ruin of...sorry badly i just have to be who i am rite now... and forgive me all what happen past 2 o 3 weeks back then....i just wanted to settle my things off first...i do love u deeply in my heart but u still have to win it back...same goes to me as is u said it to me..i alwys put u side..n never ever listen to what u r trying to say..i sorry...i have to be like this...but jgn to careful...it mite be ruin urself...just be urself when u felt comfy like u alwys do...uuurrgggghhhhhh i do love u dammit...!!!!!Sorry again......

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

22nd in my life...!!!

It is my 1st time in national newspaper as a dancer for "kebudayaan"-zapin-

Come back my senses!!!!

I never ever greet with this thing....

(stuffed heart)Hate really hate when this feeling come back to me...i have to stiff and ignore da feeling towards for what really happen in my life...Dammit!!!! i do love this relationship but da things is y in earth he never tot that people getin' older not younger...uurrrggghhhhh hate when this coming!!!ye i do have friend...they do have their owned problem..fwen and bf are totally diff!!!how come i just can get through this thing...urgghhh...o adakah ini dugaan dariNYA? Ya Allah....never ever test me like this...i just cant bear it...enough i had enough...i need to change...change a lot..a lot!!!!!